Our Couples WorkShop
Can Tame the Beast in your Relationship

Our focus is family first;  We are dedicated to keeping families together

90 Days to a Better Relationship

Marriage is not 50-50; divorce is 50-50.  Marriage has to be 100-100.  It isn’t dividing everything in half, but giving everything you’ve got!”

-Dave Willis

For 90 Days

#90 Diary Reviews
#90 Status Surveys
#90 Relationship Checkups
Phone Plan


For 13 Weeks

#13 Weekly Visits
#13 Weekly Updates
#13 Planned Activities
Phone Plan


For 3 Months

#3 Team Meetings
#3 Meeting Status
#3 Agenda Updates
Phone Plan


Every 22.5 Days

#4 Progress Reports
#4 Formal Assessments
#4 Ancillary Visits
Phone Plan

3 Daily Understanding Exercises ... That Take Minutes to Complete.

One Diary a day   7 Diaries a week   30 Diaries a month   
90 Diaries a WorkShop

Your email Diary is reviewed daily.
We identify patterns and learn how you think, feel, and act in order to create personalized solutions. 

One Survey a day  7 Surveys a week  30 Surveys a month  
90 Surveys a WorkShop

Is it really your relationship?
Status Surveys are customized to create metrics that identify and track the sources of stress.

One Check Up a day   7 Check Ups a week    30 Check Ups a month    
90 Check Ups a WorkShop

Want to know how your really doing? We will show you.
Relationship Checkups monitor your relationship daily and chart your progress on a cumulative basis. 

Daily Diaries

Status Surveys

Relationship Checkups


3 Weekly Building Exercises ... That Bring You Closer Together.

One Visit a week    4 Visits a month
13 Visits a WorkShop

Don't want to go see someone? We'll come to you for your Weekly Visit.
You're home. You're relaxed. So are we knowing you have one less thing to worry about.
Working late at the office? Then so are we. Make the last thing you do at the office the first thing you do for your relationship.
Too busy at work? No privacy at home? Your favorite place is our place. See you there!

One Update a week    4 Updates a month
13 Updates a WorkShop

 Is this program working? Is it me? or maybe it's her? Find out in your Weekly Update. Weekly updates let you know where each of you have been and where you both are going.

One Planned Activity a week    4 Planned Activities a month
13 Planned Activities a WorkShop

Do you not do anything together anymore? Did you stop having fun? Do you just work, sleep, and take care of your kids?
It's time to have fun again. We discover your favorite activities, hobbies and interests and pair them into Planned Activities you and your mate can enjoy.

Weekly Visits

Weekly Updates

Planned Activities

Building Plans

3 Monthly Collaborations ... That team you together for the future.

One Team Meeting a month    3 Team Meetings a WorkShop

 There is no I in TEAM. Team Meetings discover complementary skills which are committed to common purposes, performance goals, and approaches for which couples are mutually accountable.

One Meeting Status a month    3 Meeting Statuses a WorkShop

 Ready of not here we go! A Meeting Status is a scale that establishes the interactive participation of each partner at and during the meeting process. It raises each partner's ability to produce trust, avoid conflict, commit to collaborations, perform accountable actions, and cultivate results.

One Agenda Update a month    3 Agenda Updates a WorkShop

Where do we go from here? Things happen and as they do Agenda Updates familiarize couples with new topics to be discussed and new issues to be raised during the relationship resolution process. Agenda Updates also indicate what prior behavior would be expected and what new outcomes the couple may expect.

Team Meetings

Meeting Status

Agenda Updates

Monthly Collaboration

3 Quarterly Evaluations ... That make it even better.

One Progress Report a quarter    4 Progress Reports a WorkShop

 So far so good. How are we doing so far? Are we so far? or so good? Progress Reports convey details such as what goals have been accomplished, what resources have been expanded, what problems have been encountered, and whether the workshop process is expected to be completed on time. Progress reports are used to determine whatever changes are needed for an ongoing solution.

One Formal Assessment a quarter    4 Formal Assessments a WorkShop

 What do we need to do to fix this? Formative Assessment refers to seven of the custom program methods in process during the workshop. They identify areas you need to focus on, skills you may need to acquire, or program standards that need more attention so that adjustments can be made to instructional techniques or support.

One Ancillary Visit a quarter    4 Ancillary Visits a WorkShop

What makes you so special? We'll tell you. Every relationship has a uniqueness of its own. Find out yours and how staying together benefits eachother and your family as a whole. Ancillary Visits provide the added support for your efforts.

Progress Reports

Formal Assessment

Ancillary Visits

Quarterly Evaluations

Phone Plan...We're just a phone call away

Sometimes you just need to talk
Start with our 240 anytime shared minutes plan.

HELLO? Is anyone there?
YES. We're here.
Sometimes you just need to talk. When you do call. Morning, noon, or night we're here to help.

90 Day 3 Month Couples Workshop Includes

Daily Diaries

Weekly Visits

Team Meetings

Progress Reports

Status Surveys

Weekly Updates

Meeting Statuses

Formal Assessments

Relationship Checkups =

Planned Activities =

Agenda Updates =

Ancillary Visits =

240 Anytime Share Minutes

Over 12 customized programs that lead to

330 Pathways to a Better Relationship

90 Days to a Better Relationship
Guaranteed Results

Yes! We make House Calls.

There's no need to travel.

Limited Enrollment

90 Day
3 Month Couples Workshop

We come to your home, office, or meeting place.
What are you waiting for?

We make it Easy.....Comfortable.....and Convenient.

Limited Time Offer



         Spring Special            
For the Month of May Meet and Greet

Your first visit includes a relationship compatibility questionnaire, an overview of the program, and time to update us on your relationship.
"Your first visit is free when you sign up for the workshop!"

Find out more. Make an appointment. Call
1-551-800-2336 or
